15/10/08   Grass Fire: Farm Road Rubyvale  51-52 QAS QPS ergon attended

28/10/08   Grass Fire: Subera Road Sapphire - Unit/s 51, 52, 25 Attended

28/10/08   Grass Fire: GoannaFlats Road Rubyvale - Unit 52 attended

31/10/08  Grass/Scrub Fire: Capella Road Rubyvale - Units 51 - 52 - 25, Anakie 51, 2 crew from the Willows RFB Attended, BTSO Alan Johnstone attended, 1977 Acres (800) Hectacres Burnt, Fire extiquished and Monitoring until 02/11/08 

*01/11/08  Grass/Scrub Fire reported, Capella Road, northern side of Boot N Kettle Creek*, watching

01/11/08  Grass/Scrub Fire: Zircon Avenue Rubyvale, Units 51, 52, 25, Iona25, Witherspoon, Alan Johnstone Attended

05/11/08  Grass/Scrub Fire: Capella Road, encrouching to DNR Fire Break, Units activated, Dozer and Grader, Back hoe Utelised to form new Fire breaks, Gemfields 51 & 52, GRFB Support Members, Anakie 52, Willows 51, Iona25, Withersfield 1 & 2, Capella crew, Emerald Auxillarys (red truck), Larry Lewis Area District Officer - Longreach office, State Emergency Services (Gemfields Unit & Emerald), QPS, QAS, Mother Nature with a Heavy down pour,  End of Incident - 08/11/08

10/11/08  Grass Fire: Reward, GRFB Units 51 & 52 Attended

21/11\08  Grass,Scrub Fire, started by a welders flash: Gnech Access Road, Nardoo Property, Anakie District, Anakie 51, Gemfields 51 & 52, BTSO Allan Johnstone, Nardoo Property crew Attended  

22/11/08  Nardoo Property: Anakie 51

23/11/08  Nardoo Property: Anakie 51, Gemfields 51 & 52, Iona 41, Cockies Brigade

24/11/08 Reward: Grass/Scrub fire, Gemfields 51 & 52 Attended

26/12/08  Sapphire: Minor Grass fire, Gemfields 52 Attended

28/12/08  Anakie: Structual Fire, Gemfields 51, 52, QPS, QAS and Emerald Urban attented, Fire was isolated to the Kitchen, smoke damage to the rest of the Premises  

29/04/09  Grass fire at Sapphire,  Gemfields 51, 52 attended

18/06/09  Grass Fire at Divide, Gemfields 51, 52, Anakie 51, Iona41, Willows ,QAS attended

30/06/09  MVA ( Rubyvale, Gemfields 51, QAS, QPS attended

04/07/09  MVA  Capella/Clermont Rd,  Gemfields 51,52, QAS, QPS attended

09/07/09  Grass fire at Sapphire, Gemfields 51, 52, QPS, ADI L Lewis attended

10/07/09  MVA Rubyvale, 4th Officer, 1 member , QAS, QPS attended

05/08/09  Grass Fire, Rubyvale, Unit 51 attended

08/08/09  Grass Fire, Rubyvale, Unit 51 attended

31/08/09  Grass fire, Reward, Units 51 & 52, Anakie 51, Willows 51 Attended

04/09/09  Grass Fire, Rubyvale, Unit 51 Attended

04-05/09/09  Grass Fire, Sapphire, Unit 52 Attended 

25/09/09  unit 52  assisted with a Grass fire near Emerald, Assisted  Iona

25/09/09  Grass Fire,  Rubyvale, Unit 51, 52, 25  QPS Attended

28/09/09  Unit 52, sent to Mt Morgan/ Rockhampton area to assist with Fires, 2nd team sent, 01/10/09, 1st reurned home on the 01/10/09, 2nd team returned home on the 05/10/09

11/10/09 Grass Fire, Sapphire, Unit 51,52 attended

16/10/09 Grass Fire, Sapphire (Graves Hill) Unit 25, 52 attended

17/10/09  Assist Springsure Brigades with Scrub, Grass fire, Units 25, 51, 52 Attended

21/10/09 Scrub Fire, Assist Anakie 51, at Gem Park, Units 25, 51 & 52 attended 

26/10/09  grass fire, Nardoo, Assist Anakie 51, Units 25, 51 and 52 attended 

19/11/09 Grass/bush Fire,  Forks Lagoon, assist Iona 41 & PPBrigades, Gemfields units 25, 51, 52, Anakie 51 attended

26/11/09 Grass Fire  Rubyvale, Units 51, 52 attended 

07/12/09  Assist Willows Brigade, controlled burn off, Unit 51 attended

31/12/09  Caravan Fire (minor) Gemfields 51 attended



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