Over the past few Years, Faye Lymbery has been doing a tremendous job Fundraising for the Brigade, to which, in a long run, with out her tiredless efforts, we have recieved new trucks over the years, plus other needs that were required, and now the funds that Faye had raised, plus the generous Funds that BMA have donated, the new Shed at Sapphire would not have been possible.          THANK YOU 

 18/10/08 Some of our Members had done a Organised Fundraising BBQ at Fork Lagoons today, so now i am waiting to see if there are any Photo's to post .... No Pictures were taken, but had to do urgent Meat and Bread runs to keep the supply up for as long as they could before escaping the Property in tact

/11/08  Assist with BBQ, serving meals ETC for BMA workers Xmas BBQ, all had a great time extended through out the night with bulk amount of meat, ETC consumed, and Santa did arrive with a bag load of goodies for the children.  

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